COP28 UAE: Cultivating Progress on Climate Change, Food, and Water Security

13 December 23




Sofiia Metawea


The dust has settled on COP28, held in Expo City Dubai under the banner of "Accelerating Action Towards Sustainable Development." With the closing gavel brought down on December 12th, 2023, what legacies does this conference leave behind?

Focus on Food, Agriculture, and Water: Moving beyond the usual suspects of energy and emissions, COP28 significantly prioritized the intertwined challenges of food, agriculture, and water security. Recognizing their critical role in achieving the Paris Agreement goals, the conference delved into sustainable farming practices, water management strategies, and the impact of climate change on food systems. Key outcomes include:

Establishment of a Global Food and Agriculture Alliance: This alliance aims to accelerate action on food security and sustainable agriculture, focusing on knowledge sharing, research, and innovation.

Launch of the Water Scarcity Action Plan: This plan tackles water scarcity, a growing threat around the world, by promoting resilient water management and supporting vulnerable regions.

Increased focus on Loss and Damage: Recognizing the disproportionate impact of climate change on developing countries, COP28 saw substantial discussions on addressing loss and damage through financial assistance and technology transfer.

Filling the Gaps to 2030: With seven years remaining before the crucial 2030 climate targets, COP28 emphasized the need for urgent action to bridge the emissions gap. This included:

Strengthening Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs): Countries were encouraged to revisit and enhance their NDCs, setting more ambitious emissions reduction targets for the next decade.

Boosting Climate Finance: Calls for increased financial support from developed countries to developing nations for climate action were louder than ever.

Prioritizing Adaptation: Acknowledging the unavoidable impacts of climate change already underway, COP28 stressed the importance of strengthening adaptation measures, particularly in vulnerable regions.

Challenges and Road Ahead: While COP28 made progress on various fronts, concerns remain. Some critics point to a lack of concrete pledges from major emitters to reduce emissions significantly. Additionally, the issue of loss and damage funding, while discussed, did not result in a definitive agreement.

Looking ahead, the path to achieving the Paris Agreement goals requires sustained focus and action. Building on the momentum of COP28, we must foster international cooperation, invest in green technologies, and empower vulnerable communities to adapt to a changing climate. Only through continued collaboration and decisive action can we cultivate a future secure from the worst impacts of climate change, ensuring food, water, and sustainable development for all.

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